Anapara Koruma Amaçlı Fonlar
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Capital Protection Funds

If You Are Looking to Invest in a Variety of Instruments Without Risking Your Capital, Ziraat Bank Capital Protection Funds Are Just Right for You!

What is a Capital Protection Fund?

Funds established as an umbrella fund, that provide returns at various terms of maturity, based on a guarantee that the investor will be returned some or all of the initial investment or a specific capital gain, and led by an appropriate strategy on a best efforts basis, are called Capital Protection Funds.

The purpose of Capital Protection Funds is to return the whole of the investor's capital on maturity, while also securing returns based on underlying assets through a stock option obtained outside of the market. They comprise treasury bills, government bonds, reverse repos, and purchase options arranged by means of investment financial indicators and instruments of the capital market.

Advantages / Features

  • Capital protection limits risk to your portfolio.
  • By-products provide an alternate source of income.
  • Portfolio diversification creates opportunities for investment in different investment instruments.
  • Usually has a term of at least 6 months.
  • Capital protection is only guaranteed for investors who do not withdraw their funds before maturation.

Factors Differentiating Capital Protection Funds from Other Funds

Objective of Protecting Capital Yes No
Term Yes No
Price Twice each month Every day
Purchase During public offering Every day
Sale Twice each month Every day
Tax Yes Yes

Purchase / Sale Fundamentals

  • Prices announced on the 7th and 21st of each month (or if a public holiday, on the first subsequent working day)
  • Sale transactions take place in specific periods through public offering
  • Orders received during public offering are realized through Reverse Repo
  • Entry to the fund is not possible after the end of the public offering period.
  • Orders made during the public offering may be canceled by 5:00 p.m. on the last day of the public offering.
  • Refunds requested before 5:00 p.m. on the day before the price is announced are refunded according to the price announced, three working days after the price announcement (T+3).

Başvuru Kanalları


100% Capital Protection First Subfund

Ziraat Bank Capital Protection Umbrella Fund Linked B Type 100% Capital Protection First Subfund

100% Capital Protection First Subfund protects your capital investment until maturity while also allowing you to benefit from rises in gold prices (oz.).

Public Offering Date: Jan 24, 2011 - Jan 28, 2011
Investment Period: Jan 31, 2011 - Jan 25, 2012
Term: Approx. 12 months
Minimum Sale Amount: 500 TL and above in multiples of 5 (share multiples of 500 for shares of 50,000 and above)
Underlying Assets: USD/oz. (Increase)
Investment Instruments: Treasury Bills/Government Bonds and Purchase Options
Capital Protection: 100% Capital Protection (only on maturity)
Purchase: During Public Offering
Minimum Redemption Amount: 500 TL and above in multiples of 5 (share multiples of 500 for shares of 50,000 and above)
Early Exit Commission: 2%
Tax: 10% withholding tax

First Subfund Regular Disclosure Form


100% Capital Protection Second Subfund

Ziraat Bank Capital Protection Umbrella Fund Linked B Type 100% Capital Protection Second Subfund

100% Capital Protection Second Subfund protects your capital investment until maturity while also allowing you to benefit from rises in gold prices (oz.).

Public Offering Date: Nov 28, 2011 - Dec 12, 2011
Investment Period: Dec 5, 2011 - Nov 7, 2012
Term: Approx. 11 months
Minimum Sale Amount: 500 TL and above in multiples of 5 (share multiples of 500 for shares of 50,000 and above)
Underlying Assets: USD/oz. (Increase)
Investment Instruments: Treasury Bills/Government Bonds and Purchase Options
Capital Protection: 100% Capital Protection (only on maturity)
Purchase: During Public Offering
Minimum Redemption Amount 500 TL and above in multiples of 5 (share multiples of 500 for shares of 50,000 and above)
Early Exit Commission: 1%
Tax: 10% withholding tax

Second Subfund Regular Disclosure Form

100% Capital Protection Third Subfund

Ziraat Bank Capital Protection Umbrella Fund Linked B Type 100% Capital Protection Third Subfund

100% Capital Protection Third Subfund protects your capital investment until maturity while also allowing you to benefit from decreases in the USD to TL exchange rate.

Public Offering Date: Dec 5, 2011 - Dec 9, 2011
Investment Period: Dec 12, 2011 - Nov 7, 2011
Term: Approx. 11 months
Minimum Sale Amount: 500 TL and above in multiples of 5 (share multiples of 500 for shares of 50,000 and above)
Underlying Assets: USD/TL (Decrease)
Investment Instruments: Treasury Bills/Government Bonds and Purchase Options
Capital Protection: 100% Capital Protection (only on maturity)
Purchase: During Public Offering
Minimum Redemption Amount 500 TL and above in multiples of 5 (share multiples of 500 for shares of 50,000 and above)
Early Exit Commission: 1%
Tax: 10% withholding tax

Third Subfund Regular Disclosure Form

100% Capital Protection Fourth Subfund

Ziraat Bank Capital Protection Umbrella Fund Linked B Type 100% Capital Protection Fourth Subfund

100% Capital Protection Fourth Subfund protects your capital investment until maturity while also allowing you to benefit from rises in gold prices (oz.).

Public Offering Date: Jan 30, 2012 - Feb 3, 2012
Investment Period: Feb 6, 2012 - Feb 20, 2013
Term: Approx. 12 months
Minimum Sale Amount: 500 TL and above in multiples of 5 (share multiples of 500 for shares of 50,000 and above)
Underlying Assets: USD/oz. (Increase)
Investment Instruments: Treasury Bills/Government Bonds and Purchase Options
Capital Protection: %100 Anapara Koruma ( sadece yatırım dönemi sonunda)
Purchase: During Public Offering
Minimum Redemption Amount 500 TL and above in multiples of 5 (share multiples of 500 for shares of 50,000 and above)
Early Exit Commission: %1
Tax: 10% withholding tax

Fourth Subfund Regular Disclosure Form
