Dönem Ödemeli Mevduat Hesabı
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Period Payment Deposit Account

Fix your interest rate with a Period Payment Deposit Account, keeping risk to a minimum!

With a Period Payment Deposit Account you can benefit from fixed interest rates while being protected against interest rate decreases.


  • A deposit account opened with a term of one year, with interest payment options of once every month, 3 months, or 6 months.
  • Your Period Payment Deposit Account is unaffected by interest rate decreases for the duration of the term.
  • You can open a Ziraat Period Payment Deposit Account denominated in TL, USD, or EUR.
  • Just as with other time deposit accounts, unless you instruct otherwise the term on your Period Payment Deposit Account is automatically renewed.

Application Channels

Period Payment Deposit Account Interest Rates
Vade GruplarıOran 
21 - 29 gün arası%3,00 
30 - 31 gün arası%9,90 
32 - 91 gün arası%9,90 
92 - 120 gün arası%9,90 
121 - 180 gün arası%9,50 
181 - 364 gün arası%9,25 
365 - 400 gün arası%9,25 
401 - 730 gün arası%8,00 
1 Yıl Vadeli 1 Ayda Bir Faiz Ödemeli%9,25 
1 Yıl Vadeli 3 Ayda Bir Faiz Ödemeli%9,25 
1 Yıl Vadeli 6 Ayda Bir Faiz Ödemeli%9,25 
Birikimli Mevduat Hesabı%10,00 

* Denoted interest rates above are annual simple interest rates.