Our Savings Account Helps You Plan Your Savings Through Small, Regular Payments!
Total amounts saved are invested once every 1 or 3 months, denominated in TL, EUR, or USD, and come with a term of between 5 and 10 years, depending on your needs. Start planning now to invest in your future!
- A Ziraat Bank Savings Account may be linked to a TL Current Account or a Foreign Currency Current Account.
- Monthly or three-monthly payments may be invested from a linked account or through a direct debit.
- The interest rate on a Savings Account is fixed to the rate on the day it is opened. At each year end the account is updated with the interest rate announced for the product.
- In the event that the customer misses a monthly or three-monthly payment, the account is closed and its balance transferred to the linked current account.
- In the event that money is withdrawn from the account before it matures, the account is closed and its balance transferred to the linked current account.
- Annual interest reassessment notwithstanding, current account interest is applied in the period from the beginning of the account term until its closure.
- Minimum account opening deposit is 50 TL/USD/EUR, subsequent minimum deposits are 50 TL/USD/EUR for monthly plans, 150 TL/USD/EUR for three-monthly plans.
- The aforementioned limits may be adjusted by the Bank whenever deemed appropriate.
- Personal customers may open Savings Accounts at all branches and through our Internet Branch.
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