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Loan Protection Insurance

Insurance Protecting Your Loans From Our Bank!

​Apply to your nearest branch to insure your debt repayments for debts taken out at our bank against unforeseen circumstances, keeping your risk to a minimum with Debt Protection Insurance.

For customers wishing to take out insurance, policy premiums are calculated and submitted with customer details to the Insurance Company of which we are an agent.

The Insurance Company guarantees to pay installments in the customer’s name to Ziraat Bank for the duration of the loan term up to a maximum of 12 months in unexpected circumstances such as Involuntary Unemployment, Accidental Death and Accidental Disability, and Incapacitating Accident or Illness.


Our Loan Protection Insurance covers the benefits and services listed below:

  • Involuntary Unemployment
  • Accidental Death and Accidental Disability
  • Incapacitating Accident or Illness
  • Daily Hospital Benefit (DHB)
  • Psychiatric Consultancy Service

Note: All Ziraat Bank customers 18-65 years of age of all occupations with a personal loan at our bank may benefit from this policy.
