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Loan Life Insurance

Home Loan Life Insurance

Provided for the clearance of debt with Ziraat Bank in the event of death at any time in the period of the insurance of Ziraat Bank customers between 18-85 years of age with a home loan (except for those with secured loans).

Any leftover amount after the insurance benefit has been used to pay off debts with Ziraat Bank is paid to beneficiaries named on the certificate.

Overdraft Current Life Insurance

Provided for the clearance of debt with Ziraat Bank in the event of of death at any time in the period of the insurance of Ziraat Bank customers between 18-85 years of age who have opened and started to use an Overdraft Current Account.

Any leftover amount after the insurance benefit has been used to pay off debts with Ziraat Bank is paid to beneficiaries named on the certificate.

Vehicle Loan Life Insurance

Provided for the clearance of debt with Ziraat Bank in the event of death at any time in the period of the insurance of Ziraat Bank customers between 18-85 years of age with a consumer loan (except for those with secured loans).

Any leftover amount after the insurance benefit has been used to pay off debts with Ziraat Bank is paid to beneficiaries named on the certificate.

Consumer Loan Life Insurance

Provided for the clearance of debt with Ziraat Bank in the event of death at any time in the period of the insurance of Ziraat Bank customers between 18-85 years of age with a consumer loan (except for those with secured loans).

Any leftover amount after the insurance benefit has been used to pay off debts with Ziraat Bank is paid to beneficiaries named on the certificate.
