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Bill Payments

A cash management system that enables bills with electricity, water, telephone, gas, television, ADSL etc. service providers to be paid through our bank. All individuals and firms may use this service to pay their bills, although this can vary by province.

Credit Card Bill Payment

Pay off your bills through a direct debit on your credit card.

  • Apply to your nearest branch to set up a direct debit on your credit card for bill payments.
  • Set up a direct debit and benefit from making your payments on the final payment date of your credit card, not your bill.
  • The bill amount will be reflected on your credit card statement on the final payment date of the bill.
  • Brings the added convenience of being able to monitor your bill / contribution payments on your credit card statement.
  • Differs from a direct debit on an account in that you do not need to worry if there are sufficient funds in your account on the final payment date for your bills / contributions.
  • Your bills / contributions are paid regularly subject to the credit limit of your card.
  • Whether or not a charge is levied on bill / contribution payments by credit card varies by institution. 