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A New Day Dawns for Your Agricultural Business with Başakkart!

For all agricultural inputs such as fuel, seed, fertilizer, pesticides, feed, and veterinary services, interest-free periods of up to 5 months and terms of up to 18 months are only possible with Başakkart.

Let us load your agricultural credit onto a Başakkart, so you can use your credit limit in whatever amount and at whatever time you wish through ATM cash withdrawals or at Başakkart Member Businesses!


  • Başakkart is a bank card with the advantage of interest-free periods for agricultural inputs/services.
  • Expenses such as seed, seedling, fertilizer, pesticide, feed, veterinary services, beekeeping/greenhouse/fishery etc. materials, maintenance/repair/spare parts for tractors and other mechanized equipment required for your agricultural production activities can be paid for using a Başakkart, with interest-free periods of up to 5 months with participating businesses.
  • Agricultural inputs/services up to the full credit limit linked to the Başakkart may be purchased.
  • The advantage of interest-free periods reduces your interest burden in your production activities.
  • Balances that are not paid before the end of the interest-free period are transferred to your credit card, with interest charged from the date of transfer.
  • Cash withdrawals may be made from our bank ATMs and branches.
  • There is no card charge for having a Başakkart.
  • Account statements are sent to you on a quarterly basis.