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Thanks to our extensive ATM network all over Turkey, you can carry out many financial transactions through our bank's ATMs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week without needing to apply to a branch.

Central Payments (Public Institutions, Educational Institutions, Foundations, Insurance, Social Aid, Municipalities, Cooperatives) are elements to be noted while using our bank's Credit Cards and Bankkarts.

  • Never tell or show your PIN to anyone, including bank personnel.
  • If your card gets stuck in an ATM, do not ask any third party for assistance. Call the Customer Services Center immediately on 444 00 00 - 0850 220 00 00. Do not use a telephone owned by someone you do not know to make this call. Do not leave the ATM until you have secured a result.
  • Do not write your PIN on your card or carry it with you in your wallet or bag. Memorize it and destroy any documents on which it is written.
  • When selecting your PIN, do not use numbers such as your birth year or birth date (month / day) that may be easily guessed by third parties.
  • Do not write your PIN on the front or back of your card.
  • Do not trust anyone who offers to help you while you use an ATM.
  • If there is an unusual device on the ATM or one that looks like it was subsequently added do not use the ATM.
  • Pay no attention to warnings and instructions written on the ATM by any third parties.